Local sugar houses open doors for Maple Month

March is prime maple sugaring time, creating the best conditions for local producers and hobbyists to collect sap and turn it into the New England staple. This month, producers are opening the doors to their sugar houses to give interested residents a peak at the process.


Governor Sununu kicks off New Hampshire Maple Month

TEMPLE, N.H. — On Friday March 12, Governor Christopher Sununu formally kicked off New Hampshire Maple Month with the annual ceremonial tree tapping. This year’s tapping took place at Connelly Brothers Dairy Farm in Temple, NH. Governor Sununu also recognized the 75th anniversary of NH County Conservation Districts by signing a proclamation honoring 2021 as the Year of Conservation. Governor Sununu was joined by NH Agriculture Commissioner Shawn Jasper and other legislators as well.


NH Maple social media ads generate high interest

CONCORD, N.H. — The NH Dept of Agriculture, Markets & Food launched a new maple season social media advertising campaign on March 1. The new campaign on Facebook and Instagram, features a short video and a link for further information and will run for the entire month, coinciding with NHMPA’s Maple Month celebration.

The maple ads have drawn a lot of attention showing over 115,000 video views, so far, with 80% “click-throughs” to the attached link for more information. The ad is linked to the NH Maple Producers Association website for the most comprehensive list of NH sugarhouses.


Annual NH Maple Tree Tap with the Governor

Annual Governor’s Tap!

Friday, March 12, 2021 at 9 am

Connolly Brothers Dairy Farm, 140 Webster Hwy, Temple NH 03084

Find the sweet spot near you! One option: Connolly Brothers Dairy Farm in Temple, where Governor Chris Sununu will tap the ceremonial NH maple tree. For nearly 50 years, the Governor’s Tap has welcomed the start of maple sugaring season in NH. This time-honored event opens NH Maple Sugaring Month, a month-long celebration of NH’s great maple tradition.

Click here to read about last year’s tap!

News from the NHMPA – January 2021

News from the Board of Directors – January 2021 Email Newsletter

News from the Board of Directors

REMINDER – Annual Meeting Postponed to May 22nd
Common Man Plymouth NH
On January 14th we met and voted to add two new members to our Board.  We hope you will all warmly welcome Charlie Hunt from Hunt’s Sugar House and Alisha Powell from Stuart and John’s Sugarhouse.  They both bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in the NH maple industry to the Board.  Their contact information has been added to the website under About NHMPA – Links and Resources.

Maple Promotion 2021

IMPORTANT NOTICE The Board has decided that March will be “Maple Month”.  There will be no Maple Weekend program.  Promotion information will encourage buying local to support NH maple producers.  The entire month will be available to spread out the information to the public. Prospective customers will be encouraged to visit nhmapleproducers.com and locate the contact information for their favorite NH Maple producer and find out about hours, Covid protocols and any special rules for visiting that sugarmaker along with understanding that Governor Sununu has required the use of masks for the month of March. This way each NHMPA sugarhouse will be able to promote themselves during maple season in a way that works for them. Be sure to check the web site and ascertain that your contact information is correct and up to date. 

New Publicist Needed

Our publicist, Brenda Noiseux, has been offered a wonderful new opportunity that she just could not pass up.  Her obligations for this new position won’t allow her to give us the kind of support she has provided for so many years but Brenda has graciously offered to continue to offer some temporary help while we seek a replacement.  While we are sad to see her move on, we are happy for her as well.

Below is a brief job description of what we would need from someone to fill her shoes, so pass this information along if you know anyone who would be interested in the job.

Marketing Coordinator – Freelance

The NH Maple Producers Association (NHMPA) is a non-profit trade association dedicated to promoting the high quality of New Hampshire’s maple sugaring tradition. The NHMPA organizes several public events throughout the year including NH Maple Weekend, when our sugar houses are open to the public, NH Maple Sugaring Month, the Felker Prize for NH youth and the tapping of the first maple by the governor

The NHMPA seeks an experienced marketing coordinator to assist with

  • Raising awareness about NH’s rich maple sugaring tradition
  • Promoting NHMPA events
  • Educating the public on ways to use NH maple syrup

Responsibilities include, but not limited to:

  • Regular posting and monitoring the association’s social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
  • Coordinating the association’s marketing efforts (digital, radio, print, etc) for NH Maple Month
  • Compiling and editing the NHMPA’s semi-annual newsletter, The Gathering Tank
  • Writing and sending press releases
  • Working with partners on cross-promotion efforts

NH Seal of Quality Program

Special Presentation for NHMPA
via Zoom
February 12th, 2021 Time 2pm

 Presented by Shane Conlin 

The NH Maple Producers Board invite all producers to join us for this presentation.  Show your customers that you are State Inspected and adhering to the highest standards for production as outlined by this program. Additionally any producers who wish to sell their syrup at a Fair through the NHMPA will need to be certified in this program.  This presentation will go over all the aspects of the program requirements and provide participants the chance to ask questions about their operations. Email us at i[email protected] to sign up with your name and email address to receive an invitation to participate.

Producers who subscribe to the program agree to maintain high quality standards verified by periodic visits by Division inspectors. Participating producers are permitted to use the NH Seal of Quality logo design in advertising and on product packaging. The Division of Regulatory Services has developed standards for producers of Maple products.  Promotional materials including farm signs and stickers displaying the Seal of Quality logo design are made available to participants at cost.

Renewal Time is Here!

Just a quick reminder that Dues for 2021 are now due to keep your listing current on the NHMPA website listing.  We encourage everyone to update their information from last year and verify your contact information etc are all up to date.  For memberships that are not paid by January 31, 2021, your listing will be changed to Pending status and will be taken off public view until dues are renewed for this year.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]     Thank You!

Division of Regulatory Services  
 No Syrup Hydrometer clinics in 2021

Due to restrictions associated with COVID-19, the Department will not be able to offer public hydrometer clinics this year. Fortunately, we can offer the following alternative options.

  • Contact an agricultural inspector to schedule a visit to your sugarhouse. While the agricultural inspector is at your sugarhouse, they are able to grade your syrup as well if you choose.
  • For producers who participate in the department’s Seal of Quality program, we can test your hydrometer during your annual maple inspection.
  • If a small group of producers want to arrange a day to meet or arrange to drop their hydrometers off at one sugarhouse, the inspector can then test several hydrometers at that location.

CDC guidelines will be followed during the on-site visit such as wearing a mask, social distancing, and practicing good hand hygiene. When you contact the ag inspector, they will discuss the details of the visit.

If you are interested in having your syrup hydrometer tested, and/or a maple inspection, please contact an agricultural inspector.

Janis Conner [email protected] or 271-2753
Carroll County, Strafford County, and portions of: Merrimack, Rockingham, Belknap, & Coos

Alice Tuson [email protected] or 271-3509
Sullivan County, Grafton County, and portions of: Merrimack, Belknap, & Coos

Shane Conlin [email protected] or 271-3547
Rockingham, Hillsborough and Cheshire County

We appreciate your cooperation as we strive to provide safe alternatives to the annual clinics. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer, Director of Division of Regulatory Services, at [email protected].

Dear NHMPA Membership,

Dear NHMPA Membership,

The new Online Marketplace link is in place on the NHMPA Homepage for all who’ve signed up.  If you didn’t get your sugarhouse name sent in yet, please be sure to do so before October 29th.  The link listing will only be updated again on November 1st and December 1st.

To be listed in the Online Marketplace send an email to [email protected] with “Marketplace” in the subject line to include the following information:

  • Sugarhouse Name
  • Contact Name
  • Tel#
  • Email
  • Website
  • Online Store
  • Facebook Y/N
  • Shipping Y/N
  • Credit Cards Accepted Y/N
  • Maple Syrup Y/N
  • Maple Cream Y/N
  • Maple Candy Y/N
  • Maple Sugar Y/N
  • Other Maple Products (list individually)

We’ve also listed some updates on the next round of Covid-19 Relief from the NH Department of Agriculture and other Webinars to take advantage of to help with your operations.

Regards to All,
NHMPA Board of Directors

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New Funding Round Open for NH Agriculture COVID-19 Relief Program

The next funding round for the NH Agriculture COVID-19 Relief Program is now openAll farms that experienced  average COVID-19-related expenses of at least $500 per month or average COVID-19-related lost sales of at least $1,000 per month (as compared to 2019) during the July 1- September 30, 2020 time period are eligible to apply. Also, farms that registered for the original agriculture COVID-19 relief program by June 22, 2020 and have additional losses for the July 1- Sept. 30, 2020 period, may apply at this time using the same application form. The application deadline is October 15, 2020. Applications must be completed online.

Factsheet link: https://www.goferr.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt366/files/inline-documents/sonh/agriculture-application-fact-sheet.pdf

Application link:

If you have any questions, please contact me.  Thanks!

Gail McWilliam Jellie, Director
Division of Agricultural Development

NH Dept. of Agriculture, Markets & Food
PO Box 2042 (25 Capitol St.)
Concord, NH  03302-2042
Tel. (603) 271-3551
Fax (603) 271-1109
Email:  [email protected]

Online Courses in Maple Business and Financial Planning

University of Vermont Extension Maple Business will offer two short-form online courses this November. Maple Business Planning and Maple Financial Planning will provide current and prospective maple business owners with training on business management concepts and opportunities to apply new skills to their own business decisions. Each course offers a choice between registering for a daytime or evening schedule.

Maple Business Planning  This four-session course will guide participants through key aspects of preparing a business plan. Each session will review concepts in strategic planning, analyzing risks, marketing and planning improvements. Students will prepare sections of their own plan over the four-week timeframe of the course.

Maple Financial Planning  This three-session class will guide participants through the theory and mechanics of basic financial planning. Topics will include cash flow, balance sheets, sales forecasting and cost-of-production. The goal of this course is to identify important numbers and where to find them in order to make powerful decisions for your business.

Visit the Upcoming Events page at MapleManager.org to register!

Maple Webinar Series Continues

UVM maple specialists will also continue their series of online webinars focused on business decision-making and forestry practices.


  • Fall Tapping and Tap Hole Longevity  Wednesday, Septermber 30th 7:00 pm EST
  • Forestry and Maple Panel Discussion Wednesday, October 14th 7:00 pm EST
  • Tubing Systems and Forest Management Wednesday, October 28th 7:00 pm EST
  • Digital Entrepreneurship and Online Sales Wednesday, November 4th 7:00 pm EST
  • Sap-Only Enterprises Wednesday, November 11th 7:00 pm EST
  • Appraisal and Valuation of a Sugarbush Wednesday, December 9th 7:00 pm EST

Presenters will include: Abby van den Berg (Research Associate Professor), Mark Isselhardt (Maple Specialist), Mark Cannella (Extension Associate Professor), Chris Lindgren (Forest Business Coordinator), attorneys, foresters and industry specialists.

Visit the Upcoming Events page at MapleManager.org to register!