NH’s Most Interesting Mapler Talks Maple Weekend on March 18 & 19

NH’s Most Interesting Mapler Talks Maple Weekend on March 18 & 19

You know how maple syrup just arrives at the grocery store, and then winds up on your table? Of course you don’t, (flap)Jack – because that’s not at all how it happens.

It’s actually an arduous, delicate process, all so you can smack your lips and enjoy some waffles, pancakes, or French toast. Or pasta – an underrated combo cultivated by Buddy the Elf.

Meet Andrew Chisholm – airline pilot by day, mapler by other day. Walter White if he had eschewed the ills of crystals and embraced the sweetness of maple.

Do his contemporaries know of this dual life?

“A few of them do,” said Chisholm. “I don’t cross the streams too often. Some of the maple producers know that I’m a pilot, but not many, and some pilots know that I’m a maple producer.”

The FAA need not worry. Chisholm, who is also President of the NH Maple Producers Association, resists the urge to make mid-air detours to check on the miles of tubes set up in the woods near his farm in Kingston to reap the benefits of cold nights and warmer days – the magic recipe for producing syrup.

It’s a big time for producers such as Chisolm Farm in Hamptstead, as it’s Maple Month in the state of New Hampshire. “This is like our Super Bowl right here this month,” says Chisolm. “We prepare all year for this month.”

Not just for sentimental reasons, but because March is when maplers get to see what kind of haul they’re dealing with (especially tricky, given the bizarre weather we’ve seen this winter).

“This is when that sap flows through those trees, and trees are trying to wake up for spring,” says Captain Maple himself. “What makes that happens is the sap going up through the tree in these cold nights and warm days.”

Read More: NH’s Most Interesting Mapler Talks Maple Weekend on March 18 & 19 | https://shark1053.com/new-hampshires-most-interesting-mapler-discusses-maple-weekend-on-march-18-19/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

Tapping Maple in Tamworth with Sununu and Madison Elementary School Children

Tapping Maple in Tamworth with Sununu and Madison Elementary School Children


TAMWORTH – Ahead of the upcoming NH Maple Weekend, March 18 and 19, when almost 200 sugarhouses in the state are open to the public, Gov. Chris Sununu tapped a century-old maple on the grounds of the Remick Farm Museum with students from the Madison Elementary School Monday.

Third grader Ari Gray stepped up to help the governor place the spile – or tap – into the stately maple in a field with cows overlooking the scene and geese flying overhead, while his parents and others from the school watched along with leaders of state government.

It took only a few seconds for all three holes to begin to drip sap, which the governor tasted by dipping his hand.

New Hampshire Maple Producers Association, Inc. is celebrating 80 years as a non-profit trade association this year and the tapping so far has been sweet in parts of the state that have seen the sap run.

Considered one of the first signs of spring, the season can last from 15 to 35 days but is largely concentrated in the month of March.

Each year, the organization enlists the help of the governor to tap a tree and bring the process to the

Gov. Chris Sununu gets a first lick after tapping a maple tree in Tamworth. Paula Tracy photo

public’s attention. Last year, the governor went to Westmoreland to promote March as Maple Sugar Month in the state.
Kate Stanley, a teacher at Madison Elementary, and her husband Tim Robinson own Turkey Street Maples, a sugar house in Chocorua, New Hampshire and they have allowed the school’s third and fourth graders to learn about the process which is unique to this corner of the world.


Read More Here

It’s Maple Season: Sugar House Owners Make Positive Impact on NH Students & Community

It’s Maple Season: Sugar House Owners Make Positive Impact on NH Students & Community

There’s nothing better than real New Hampshire maple syrup.

Kate Stanley, her husband Tim Robinson, and the students at Madison Elementary School know that better than anyone.

Kate and Tim own Turkey Street Maples, a sugar house in Chocorua, New Hampshire. When she’s not producing maple syrup, Kate also works as a teacher at Madison Elementary. Thanks to her efforts, the school has integrated a hands-on maple sugaring experience into the 3rd & 4th grade curriculum.

This writer journeyed north last weekend to meet Kate, Tim, and the students, and learn more about what the program is all about.

According to Kate, there are 350 syrup-producing members in the NH Maple Producers Association, around 175 of which are open for Maple Weekend (happening on March 18 & 19 this year). Maple Weekend, Kate said, is “a celebration of mapling in New Hampshire. It’s a way to get the general public out and learning about maple sugaring and how it’s made.” During this time, sugar houses like Turkey Street Maples welcome visitors from all over.

So how does Madison Elementary factor into all this?

A few years after Kate began teaching at the school, she and principal Heather Woodward teamed up to create a program allowing 3rd and 4th graders to learn all about maple syrup and tapping as part of their curriculum. Each year during maple season (which lasts anywhere from 15-35 days), the students get to go outside and try maple tapping themselves, which this writer got to see firsthand.

Megan, Townsquare Media
Megan, Townsquare Media

The kids all had a great time, and you could tell that they not only enjoyed the experience, but genuinely love their school and teachers. Several parents were also present, and seemed equally grateful that their children had such a unique, hands-on learning

Megan, Townsquare Media

opportunity. It truly is an awesome program.

After we finished tree tapping, Kate showed everyone the evaporator, which boils the tree sap before turning it into the maple syrup we know and love. It

turns out that it takes a whole lot of sap – five gallons, in fact – to produce just one pint of syrup. Interesting stuff, right?

Read More: NH Sugar House Owners Positively Impact Students & Community |

Sugarmomma’s Maple wins the 2023 Carlisle Award

The Lawrence A. Carlisle Memorial was awarded to the best NH maple syrup in 2023!

This award is presented annually by the NH Maple Producers Association for excellence in production of maple syrup. Any NHMPA member can enter, and participation from novice to advanced sugarmakers is encouraged.

Commonly referred to as the Carlisle Award, the award is named for Lawrence A. Carlisle, a commissioner of Agriculture in the 1920s and 1930s, devoted to the development of the maple industry in New Hampshire and best known for introducing the maple grading system.

In a field of 9 competitors, Nick Locke from Sugarmomma’s Maple Farm took home the Carlisle Award.

5th place: James Gove, Will-A-Way Maples

4th place: Charlie Hunt, Hunt’s Sugar House, LLC

3rd place: Shawn Atkins, Atkins Family Sugarhouse

2nd place: Jeff Babel, Babel’s Sugar Shack

1st place Winner: Nick Locke, Sugarmomma’s Maple


New Hampshire Maple Producers Association now offers a wonderful opportunity for you to support your favorite, all-natural sweet treat!  

For $20 you can now help foster the NHMPA mission of support for your favorite producer(s) in the production, promotion and use of the highest quality maple products, AND stay abreast of industry happenings by receiving the association newsletter, The Gathering Tank, which addresses  items of interest, educational and scientific production articles, contest winners, important dates and much more within the maple world here in beautiful New Hampshire.
Simply print the form from the link below, include all pertinent information and return with your payment to the address at the bottom of the form.  We will issue your Maple Supporter membership card once this is received. Click here for the Membership Form
Thank you for supporting the NH Maple Producers Association!  It is so “sweet” of you.
(This is a non-voting membership level)

2023 Application for Membership

When you become a member of the NH Maple Producers Association, you’re joining with sugar makers across the state to celebrate NH’s proud maple tradition. Benefits of being a NHMPA member include, but are not limited to: A listing for your sugarhouse on the NHMPA website; free publicity for NH Maple Month & Weekend; Semi-annual NHMPA newsletter, The Gathering Tank; Quarterly issues of The Maple Syrup Digest; Opportunity to enter the Carlisle Award; Opportunity to purchase NHMPA membership signs, jugs, posters, cookbooks and clothing.

Become a member today!

Not a maple producer, but want to be involved?  New this year is the Maple Supporter membership!

Click here for the membership form!

Winter Meeting 2023

Annual Meeting

Saturday, January 21, 2023
9:00 am – 3:30 pm
The Common Man Inn & Spa
231 Main St, Plymouth, NH 03264
Form and payment must be received by January 2, 2023.

Guest Speakers for meeting:

-Townsquare Media talking about radio promos

-Trevor Hardy from Brookdale Farm talking about irrigation system that can be applied to maple

-Adam from the Bureau of Economic Development and Commerce talking about new grant

-Shane from UNH talking about new grant (Andy will work with Shane to bring back Maple School), Glenn Goodrich

-Abby Van den Burg from UVM

Check back for updates!

Download the registration form here!

Summer Meeting 2022

Please join us for the Summer Meeting at Patch Orchards in Lebanon on Saturday, July 30th!
The meeting will start at 10:30. We will be having lunch with pizza and salad, as well as donuts and ice cream provided by the Patches. The guest speaker will be Glenn Goodrich from Goodrich’s Maple Farm. He will be presenting on tapping techniques and tap hole health. We will wrap the day up with a tour at Harding Hill Farm’s new sap tubing installation in Wilmot to follow.
The cost per person to attend is $10. Please register ahead of time online, or email [email protected].
Patch Orchards is located at 40 Patch Rd. Lebanon, NH 03766

Click here to buy your ticket.

Want to mail in your registration? Click Here