We will be open this weekend the 22nd and 23rd
Looks like the 29th and 30th same hours
Looks like plenty of sap to boil
We are open again 10-4 on weekends after maple weekend as long as the sap holds
We have cotton candy this weekend
and our neighbors ground lamb in addition to our usual maple products
As always just give me a call or text I’m almost always around, so if you or a group want to swing by just about anytime we can do that but if you call ahead I’ll try to be boiling then
Happy sugaring!
Maple Month 2025
We will have syrup samples available.We also have maple candy, cream and sugar. And our own beef and eggs
Feel free to ask any and all questions, we enjoy explaining how we make Maple to everyone!
And any time the lights are on and steam is coming out.