We are off the beaten path but worth the drive. We have a mix of old school ways and new technology. We boil on a 4 x 12 wood fired arch so you will be greeted by that sweet maple smell upon walking into our sugarhouse. We tap trees in Bradford and Newbury and haul the sap back to our sugarhouse. We make a whole line of maple confections with the syrup we produce. We offer tours and samples while you are here. Things can get muddy during sugaring season so be sure to bring your boots! We plan to boil both days during maple weekend and at least one of the weekend days the rest of Maple Month. Reach out to us if you plan to stop by other than maple weekend and we can let you know what weekend day we would be boiling. But as always if you are out riding around and see the steam rolling, feel free to come on in!! We hope to see you soon!

109 Main St, North Woodstock, NH 03262, USA 52.39 mi